Wednesday, December 15, 2010

In Lieu of the Real Activity

Skreeeech! That would be the sound of the advent calendar going off the rails.

Today was supposed to be cookie-making day. Um, yeah. Not so much. We had to go grocery shopping first (ingredients being handy to the cookie-making process), and then Sarah wouldn't eat lunch, and then she wound up taking an almost two hour nap, and then suddenly it was dinner time.

So to make up for lost time I tried making some meringues after I put Sarah to bed tonight, but the whites wouldn't whip up into anything but thickish mounds, and none of it was working. Now Sarah's all pumped up to make cookies tomorrow, but we have to get the house ready for Tom's big work Christmas party, and it just ain't happening. Not this week. No cookies here. Sorry, kid.

But! I have been making stuff involving cookie cutters, just none of it edible.

(The photos aren't great, for which I apologize. All the light in this house in the evening is yellow. So it goes.)

Sarah's not going to be placated with felt, but at least something cookie-related was made around here.


Rowena said...

These are great. I loves me some felt. Even if I can't eat it.

Cindy said...

I've GOT to get out my felting supplies!!!

AG Ambroult said...

so cute! using cookie cutters is a great idea.