Thursday, May 13, 2010

Busy Hands

I have discovered the key to happiness! Or at the very least, the key to maintaining my sanity and the semblance of a reasonably good mood: busy work. No, no, I haven't been doing useless math workbook pages to while away my hours, but I have been finding stuff that needs to be done, and making up other stuff to do to avoid the stuff that needs to be done. Because procrastination never gets old.

So, topping the Needs Doing list is the garden. I'm having to start from scratch in the front and back yards, so of COURSE I haven't done anything with either, but it's still over two weeks from our last frost date, so I'm not sweating that part. Yet. The house came with three large planters built into the significantly sloping deck, and I've gotten a little work done there. Behold!

Peas in the back half (with my very own string trellis-y set up, thankyouverymuch) and lettuce mix in the front -- which we may be able to start picking at in just a couple of weeks!

One of the two herb planters. So far, this one only has pansies, rosemary and lemon thyme (one of my absolute favorite plants in the world: low maintenance, edible, perennial and pretty. And it has the best scent EVER -- I pick off stragglers and rub them between my hands to release the oils; it's transporting, I tell you). I'm also going to put in some common thyme and probably nasturtiums, maybe lemon balm. I love how the yellows look so sunshiny together. The other planter just has chives and last year's straggly sage and some johnny-jump-ups. I started parsley and cilantro from seed for this first time, intending to put them in there, but they're so leggy and spidery-looking I don't see how they'll possibly be strong enough to grow outdoors. Eh. It was a $2 experiment. No big.

My lovely assistant.

And here are a couple things on my Why Are You Doing This? list:

A future bathmat. I figure I'm about one-fifth to one-quarter the way done. I'm no crocheter, and the incredibly simple pattern took me FOUR TRIES to get right because I sort of forgot to read the last line of the directions. Oops.

And a cute little nothing. The colors came out weird here; in reality, the flowers are a softer pink and the grassy bit on the bottom is more lime-y and less baby poop-y. I need to find a less bright green for the stems and leaves. The hoop is only about 4" in diameter, so this really is just a silly little thing. Fun to do, though, and good practice for the quilting I FULLY INTEND TO ATTEMPT THIS YEAR BY GOD.

Busy hands, peeps. They are my friends.


Rowena said...

Awesome projects. I really like the applique hoop and am jealous of your little gardens.

I too have found keeping busy to be really good for much that ails me.

Cindy said...

Wow, you really DO live far, far north!! We are just eating up the last of our lettuce. I'm afraid we won't be able to keep it for the rest of May. Maybe, but it is HOT here!!

We're looking for cucumbers, squash, beans and peppers in the next week or so - YUM!

Oh, and chard - I have yards and yards of chards.

I will have to check out the Lemon Thyme - I love putting herbs in the small gardens of the labyrinth!

Looks good - and you're right busy hands are good. Busy DIRTY hands are even better! :)

AG Ambroult said...

damn girl, you've been busy. I haven't stopped by here in a while. Bath mat? that's a fab idea. and your cute little nothing is AWESOME. please show us a pic of the finished product. (ps I laughed out loud about the baby poop color. Your really hit the ail on the head with that description)