Saturday, December 19, 2009


Tom spent the day at the hospital with Jane and Awesome Nurse Meg. First full day of The Plan!

Nothing to report, really. I'll let you just sit back and enjoy the photos.

Okay, fine, you busted me. Lazy post because I'm really watching Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince while knitting Jane's stocking. I busted my behind today getting the tree and presents and wrapping paper and candy and all that, so now I'm literally putting my feet up and crafting in front of the teevee with a beer. No doubt I'll be all too wordy again soon enough...


R said...

I hope you enjoyed the show. I must say I enjoyed the post - it's so nice to be able to get so many shots of Jane's face!

Cindy said...

I agree with Rachel - nice to see pictures of cutey-pie ... oh those eyes are going to be hard to resist in the days and years to come!!

Knitting the stocking! Man, you are amazing! I think relaxing in front of the teevee with a beer sounds like the perfect way to spend your last Saturday night before Christmas!

I'm glad "the plan" is in place and honestly, I'm glad there were no big changes to report! Especially difficulties to deal with. Jane could probably use a few "boring" days, eh?

Stay warm!!
