Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Adjusted Age ZERO

DUE DATE, invisible readers!

Jane is zero today! Have I explained the term "adjusted age"? Pretty simple really. You just subtract the number of weeks Jane was premature from her chronological age. Today Jane is 13 weeks old, and she was 13 weeks premature, so today is her zero day. Before that she was however many gestational weeks she would have been; yesterday she was 39 weeks 6 days. Get it?

Let's take a quick look back, shall we?

Look at that tube.  It was twice the size of her arm.

From one pound, fourteen and a half ounces of tiny fragility to six pounds, twelve ounces of adorable chub and outrageous strength in thirteen unforgettable weeks.


Karen said...

Happy Zero-Day, Jane!!! I'm so glad to see you getting so big and healthy!

R said...

Yay! Happy zero day! And what a big strong girl you are on your zero day, Jane.

Cindy said...

Congratulations on a day well met!

mommatosena said...

Happy 0 Day lil' chubber!!

Anonymous said...

Can't even believe it. Showed her pics yesterday to 4th grade class, 29 kids, who still send jane positive thoughts every day! Starting to believe in all the energy!
Luv ya! Auntie Kathy

Rowena said...

Happy Zero Day! She is such a fighter. Congratulations to all.

Penny said...

Happy zero day! She's looking cuter every day. (I'm from TT!)