Saturday, October 10, 2009


Tom's parents came up for a visit and FINALLY got to see Jane's face!  

On their previous visits, Jane's face was obscured by
  1. the bilirubin mask;
  2. the CPAP tubing and hat/stocking that held the tubing in place; and
  3. positioning (she was on me, but had to face the ventilator for the sake of the tubing, which left approximately no room to peek at her face).
They finally got visual confirmation that the pictures we've been taking are in fact of their fourteenth (!) grandchild, and not a photogenic stunt baby.

They also got to see Jane's sister, who is now practically a salaried employee of the ICN.

Awesome Nurse Katie made the name tag for Sarah.  She only took it off once we got home since, as she testily explained, "I'm just a KID now.  I'm NOT a NURSE!!!"  (Note to self: do not ask three year olds about anything immediately post-nap.)

A little lounging before their grandparents arrived.  Hey.  Maybe the girls should share a room someday.  Because it will always be this cute.  Right?  Obviously.


Unknown said...

Wonderful on All counts. Especially LOVE those great GRANDPARENTS!!!!! And, sounds like Sarah is looking for a raise.

Angela said...

Hey Tia,
Let me know if you got my text messages this morning, I sent one to you and to Tom early this morning of your Miss Jane looking beautiful as always. If you didn't get them I'll fire off an e-mail with my pictures so you can have them.

I hope you have a wonderful day, don't miss me too much and I'll be back tonight for more fun with Jane.
